Friday, November 21, 2008

Beyond Phone Call

Dear All who love me –unconditionally- beyond time and circumstances- I am missing your love- I know I can just dial your number and talk to you. Mummy will probably ask atleast 4 times about my health, and ask why am I awake so late- am I all right… Bhabhi and I will exchange how our day went. But I will not call any one. Because I cant get what I want through a telecon. I want to be with you- to talk of little and big things- talk heart to heart- and laugh at the most trivial things. I want to see the sparkle in your eyes when you hear my stories. I want to massage Bhaiya’s head and feel his pain go away and see his eyes closed in pure bliss. I want to hear the same stories of my childhood from papa and to see him again swell in pride. I cant get these pleasures through a phone call. Conversation is but just one and the most obvious form of communication. But the connections felt are the ones that actually gratify the soul. I don’t know when will I be able to feel the effects of unrestrained love- Till then I have beautiful memories that warm my heart- and ensures I am one of the lucky ones who have had this wonderful experience. And it gives me the confidence to pass this legacy to my child.